January vs. Zoe vs. DayTwo: What's the Difference
When it comes to AI, January's game-changing technology remains unlike anything else on the market.

It’s a question we get asked often: What makes January AI different from Zoe and DayTwo, and does January offer features they do not?
While January, Zoe and DayTwo all deliver some form of AI capability, there is a stark difference between the usability of those predictions — with January being the only product that actually predicts to the highest degree of accuracy, and then displays as if peeking into the future, a person’s predicted glucose level and the glucose curve of any given food or meal before they eat it. What’s more, January allows you to compare different foods against each other and see how your glucose would respond, so you can make smarter, more informed decisions.
On the other hand, both Zoe and DayTwo provide a simple grading system from red, yellow and green to help you understand what food is likely to spike you less.
Below is a high level overview of the primary differences between the three products. Keep reading as we delve deeper into exactly what this means and what you get (or don’t get) as a user.
January vs Zoe vs DayTwo: at-a-glance

January vs Zoe vs DayTwo: the details
The primary differentiator between January and the competition is the depth of its AI technology, enabling you to create a ‘digital twin’ of yourself in order to accurately predict how your blood glucose will respond to foods before you even eat them. While DayTwo uses similar verbiage on its website, the reality falls short. Users are unable to see what their actual predicted glucose level would be, and are instead given a colored grading system. With January, it's simple to get information about real-world eating decisions, whether you're at the grocery store comparing items or looking at a menu in your favorite restaurant. You can decide what to eat based on visualizing your actual predicted glucose curve.
What’s more, January combines glucose tracking and prediction with industry-leading food logging (utilizing the world’s largest glycemic food database of 32M foods), so you can track your macros and calories to hit your goals. January combines this with activity and sleep tracking, so you get a holistic view of your total metabolic health.
This is unique to the January AI platform.
Head to head: AI

Virtual CGM
The AI is where January sets itself apart from the competition. Our Virtual CGM technology means you wear a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) just once to train our AI, and then you can remove the CGM and see your predicted glucose curve. This means you don’t need to buy expensive CGMs every 14 days, saving you thousands of dollars each year.
Continuous Glucose Prediction (CGP)
Additionally, thanks to our Continuous Glucose Prediction (CGP) technology, we project your predicted glucose curve two hours into the future, and enable you to look up the impact of foods on your glucose before you eat them — and compare the predicted curve with alternative foods so you can make smarter, more informed choices.
With January, you can test foods on your ‘digital twin’ to see how you’ll respond and choose the best option before eating. With products like Zoe and DayTwo, you are only given a colored guide as to whether a given food is expected to spike you or not (there is no way to visually see what will happen to your actual curve).
Food Detect
Our Food Detect feature will sense when you’ve eaten (even if you haven’t logged your meal). Unlike the features above, Food Detect does require a person to be wearing a CGM, but January's technology can sense spikes and accurately attribute it to food, and prompt you to add the meal in the January app.
Head to head: Nutritional Intelligence

January enables you to look up the nutritional value of foods by simply scanning the barcode or searching for it in our database of 32M foods. While DayTwo also offers food scanning, its database is a fraction of the size — and it doesn’t include restaurants. With January, you can look up your favorite local restaurants and select meals from their menu, ensuring you track your calories and macros, avoid spiking foods, and make healthier choices.
Our “Quick Add” food logging option allows you to even look up foods via speech. Just say “lobster ravioli”, for example, and we’ll log your meal for you. January has one of the most sophisticated food logging experiences on the market.
Head to head: Activity Insights

As mentioned earlier, January is far more than simply a glucose monitoring app. We provide insights into things like how long you should walk for after a meal to flatten your glucose curve. We also connect to Apple Health or your Fitbit to provide activity tracking and heart rate data, so you can understand the impact activity has on your unique body.
Head to head: Recharge

January also has in-depth data to help you recharge, a key aspect of becoming metabolically healthy. Not only do we track sleep data, but we also track your Last Meal Sleep Gap (how long the gap is between your last meal and when you go to sleep — hint: it should be 3 hours or more). The January app also tracks how long you fast, providing guidelines you can monitor and optimize towards each and every day.
Additionally, January has another product in its arsenal, named Eden's. Eden's is a 3-in-1 synbiotic superblend of all natural prebiotics, probiotics and polyphenols, and is scientifically proven to lower glucose spikes by 31% and improve glucose recovery by 42%, making it the perfect companion to the January app. After all, our mission as a company is to improve the world's healthspan, and we do that by education, data and insights with the January app, and by offering a science-backed solution in Eden's.
With the January app, you get a plethora of technology (and 1 CGM to train the AI) for just $288. This makes January not only the most advanced platform on the market, but also one of the most affordable too. And when you consider that with January you don’t need to buy costly CGMs every 14 days, the savings are huge over a given year.
Our app is now in beta testing and you can sign up here. Experience the world’s first virtual CGM for yourself — and welcome to a new you.
Get January now